Tuesday 28 June 2016


Hi EFL Teachers,

Another important aspect to check when you're thinking of signing up for a course is accreditation. 

Rule Number Three - Always check the authenticity of any claim to be accredited by an international organisation, particularly if it's a university or a major provider.

A lot of course providers claim to be accredited by all kinds of high ranking organisations, and that their TEFL certificates are "internationally accredited".  However, often it means little more than that two companies or organisations are marketing together or merely sharing information about each other.  A sort of "you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" scenario.  Clearly this is not genuine accreditation.  So this brings us to our third golden rule, which is to check with the accrediting organisation as to exactly what their relationship with the course provider is.  Often you will find that you either will not get a reply or that they will quickly go quiet on you, particularly if they have some kind of international status.  If this happens, that is a clear warning that there may be other features of the company that are bogus.

So watch out for false claims and as usual never take any company on face value.

EFL Greg

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